วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 15 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2550

My parent’s opinions

My parents think that society today is worse than the society in the past. They like the old Thai society because it was lovely nice and quiet and there are not too many new technology that made everything was easy and comfortable. They think that it’s better if people have to do what they want to do by themselves with less help so they will learn more.
About life, they think that it is very important and everyone has to decide their life themselves. They always tell me to do the activity that I like to do but do not forget about studying too.
The first time that my parents visited this school, they really like this school so much because it is natural and has the new style of teaching about let the students learn by doing the activities, not just learn in the books which they think that it is very good.
I think that what they think is true and I agree with it. But I sometimes think that they think too much about something and too worried about it or sometimes that they expect about something too much and fail. I think they should relax more and make thing easier.

2 ความคิดเห็น:

NamTHiP*** กล่าวว่า...

I think nowadays, our society has more change. Many new things have come into our society such as technology, which was created for helping people. But it becomes the thing that makes people have changed. People do not do anything themselves and they cannot learn how to do something in their life. I think as same as your parents.
And the second thing that you write, I agree with you. I think our school has different ways of teaching that teach student by activities instead teach student only in the books. I think it is very good. And your parents chose a great school for you. Everyone knows that parents certainly love their children. Sometimes they might make you are annoyed but because they wish you well. And they love you so much.

FeleliS กล่าวว่า...

Every society in this world change when time passed, and I don't think that development is all bad. There're good points and bad point mix together. Technology help people in many ways and I think it is good, but there's also bad point like technology make pollution and make people lazy. I don't think that it's problem about technology, it's problem about human that don't know how to use, why they use and when they should used technology, so human used technology all times.

I agree that people should do what they want to, because when they do what they want they'll do it well, but they also need to think about other people and the results of what they like to do.