วันพุธที่ 17 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2550


There are many countries in the world and each country has their own culture so people in the world have different thoughts about culture and different behavior in each country.
The example about the different culture that is very clear is the greeting. People from different countries have absolutely different culture about the greeting. Such as in Thailand, When we greet someone, we hold our hands up and put them together in the middle of the chest and bow our head down. It’s what we call the “Wai”. But other people in different countries don’t do the greeting like this. They have the different way to greet each other.
This is only an example of the different things about the different culture. There are also many different cultures all over the world that everybody might know or might not. I believe that everyone doesn’t know all the culture in this world and that means that we cannot communicate with each other clearly. People from different countries have many different things about the culture and they might not understand each other if they talk together without any knowledge about the culture of a person you are talking with.
Cultures can make people misunderstand and disagree with each other. We usually misunderstand each other because we don’t understand what a person we are talking too wants to say. This might make us not like each other and it is very difficult to make our thinking the same.

วันเสาร์ที่ 13 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2550

What society expects of me

Everyday I meet many people that I have known before and haven’t known before. My parents , my teachers and my friends are the people who I really care about. They are my advisers and they always stay by my side when I have problems.
My parents are the most important people for me. They always help me in everything. In the past I thought that they helped me too much so I didn’t have to do anything but now it’s opposite. They don’t look after me as much as they did before. I think they trust me more than before and they don’t worry about me anymore because I can manage myself and I can think of what are the good and bad things that I should and shouldn’t do. They expect me to study as a dentist because this job is not too busy and has lots of money too. I’m not sure that I will enjoy this job so I haven't made my decision yet. They also expect me to join in activities too, not just study in the class and do homework that I have all the time. I think it’s good to do this and I follow their expectations about this.